Howdy, ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Welcome in my humble project in this project I am aiming to

And all of this is done with help of my skills at Data analysis & Data science And hereโ€™s a table for all of important links to see all corners of the project:

Project Corner Link
GitHub Repo โ€ฃ
Power BI Dashboard My dashboard
Web application My web dashboard
My database on Kaggle My Unique DataBase
EDA process notebook EDA notebook
Jupyter notebook viewer The project in the cloud

*The way to use the ML app is to run it locally (see the steps in โ€˜How to use this projectโ€™ section)

Skills I have used in the project:

My skills.png

How did I make this project ๐Ÿฅฑ:

The project is divided into mainly three phases:

Why did I make this project ๐Ÿค”:

I got the main idea for this project from this video: